DATE: December 1, 2006 ( Friday)
TIME: Seminar 7:00-9:30 pm
Pictures & autograph 9:30-10:00 pm
FEE: $49.00 *
*add an additional $5.00 to order
a Bill Wallace poster for the autograph
92-B Wilson Rd. at First Street
Humble, Texas 77338
281-548-1638, 281-682-3387
Bill "Superfoot" Wallace
-American Karate Champion, instructor, author, actor, and referee.
World professional middleweight champion since 1974 for the PKA, Wallace
won many point tournament competitions prior to entering the professional
ring, including the U.S. Championships and USKA Grand Nationals three
times each, and the top 10 Nationals twice. He was rated top fighter
in the country three times by Black Belt magazine. A superstar of
full contact fighting, he is also a noted official and served as chief
referee at the 1975 U.S. Championships.
Wallace started in Judo. He took up Karate in 1966 while serving in
the U.S. Air Force. His first instructor was Michael Gneck, a Shorin-Ryu
stylist who taught Wallace in San Bernadino, California. Wallace trained
religiously seven days a week on a four-to-midnight schedule and won
his black belt in one year. He returned to his home state of Indiana
in 1968 where he began working out with Glenn Keeney in Anderson.
While he never adopted any of Keeney's Shorei-Goju style, Wallace
credits much of his sparring ability to those early workouts. While
studying physical education at Ball State University, he entered and
won his first tournament as a black belt at the Mid-East Nationals
in Lexington, Kentucky in January 1968. After losing his next three
consecutive tournaments, he launched a spectacular winning streak
that continued to September 1974 when he turned to full contact karate.
Wallace received his Bachelors degree in 1972 and completed his Master's
at Memphis State University, where he then taught a physical education
program which included Karate and Judo.
Wallace conducted seminars in Europe, South America, England, and
throughout the U.S. He once taught at the Elvis Presley-owned studio,
the Tennessee Karate Institute where Presley trained with Wallace
briefly. He co-authored a college text, Karate's Basic Skills and
Concepts. Voted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame as "Man of the
Year" for 1978, he was twice elected "Karate Player of the
Year." Wallace co-starred in the Chuck Norris film, A Force of
One. He is Member of Who's Who in the Martial Arts.
A Tae Kwon Do/Shorin-Ryu stylist, he is noted for his fast left roundhouse
kick and left hook kick. In the pro ring he is remembered for his
quick left leg, which gave him the name "Superfoot." Wallace's
ring history is 21-0, 11 KO's. He is the only full contact world champion
to retire undefeated. |