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Past News Letter
    December 2004


News Letter Summary - May 2005
Next Rank Test :
Date: 9-14 years 6-23-05 (Thur) 6:00-8:30 pm
         5-8 years 6-25-05 (Sat) 1:00-3:30 pm
         15+ years 6-25-05 (Sat) 3:00-6:00 pm
Register before 6-18-05
Report Card Point

James Wang 4.0
Sierra Sommers 3.0
Daniel Shellhouse 3.0
Grant Shellhouse 4.0
Whitney Winders 6.0
Colin McKee 3.0
Wyatt Boehm 2.0
Jace Winders 2.25

Minh Da Le 4.0
Miranda Chachere        3.0
Ariana Cassidy 2.25
Michael Barton 4.5
Alex Cupial 2.25
Lukasz Cupial 3.5
Phong Le 3.5

Krzysztof Cupial 3.0
Donovan Tran 1.5
Cole Ford 4.5
Dylan Ford 2.25
Wilfred Hung 1.5
Jessica Stuart 3.75
Naomi Winders 1.0

J.P Winders 3.0
Greyson Fortner 1.5
Corey Jenkins .75
Logan Wilkerson 5.25
Aaron Jesel 1.5
David Rattay 1.5
Cynthia Hernandez 3.0
Joe Howard 2.25
New Students:
Jessica Sanders,   Gerald Caray,   Cody Straitwell,   Victoria Rema,    Allen Grant,
     Micah Straitwell,   Alex Prims
Advanced Sabre :

Date: 5-07-05 (Sat)
5-14-05 (Sat)
5-21-05 (Sat)
5-28-05 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 am
Place: Wang's Martial Arts
Pre-requisite: Red, Brown, Blk.
Cost: $59.00 or $29.50 for review
Basic Sabre:
      (8-14 years)
Dates: 5-16-05 (Mon.)
5-19-05 (Thur.)
5-23-05 (Mon.)
Time : 7 - 8 pm
     green belt and above
Cost: $39.00
     $19.50 for Review
Basic Sabre (Adult) :
Date: 6-06-05 (Mon)             8:00-9:00 PM
         6-09-05 (Thur)             8:00-9:00 PM
         6-11-05 (Sat)             2:00-3:00 PM

Pre-requisite: Yellow     Belt and Above
Cost: $39.00
    $19.50 for review

There will be no class on the following days:

Monday, May 30, 2005. Memorial Day
Friday, July 1, Saturday, July 2, and Monday, July 4, 2005. Independence Day and weekend

Grand Master Victor Cheng Class (for ages 15 and above)
Date: 05-31-05 (Tue.)
         06-28-05 (Tue.)
Time: 7:00-8:30 PM
Place: Wang's Martial Arts
May Birthdays:
Jeffrey Ruppel 5/18
Kathy Seabridge 5/24
Aaron Livingston 5/15
Montie Marr 5/27
Vincent Turner 5/26

Michael Sakran 5/19
Stuart Makris 5/05
Ronald Pleasant 5/19
Kimberly Sims 5/09
Wesley Payne 5/25
Bonnie Lewis 5/16
Luis Acosta 5/24
Jose Rodriguez 5/01
Allen Workman 5/02
James Wang 5/24
Eric Clark 5/30
Christopher Hewitt 5/23
Jesse Saldivar 5/12
Deborah Jones 5/17
Curt Swanson 5/08
Gary Russell 5/23
Tai Chi Test : Date: 05-27-05 ( Friday ),      Time: 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Tournament Point Updates :
Roger Leon 18,     Robert Annand 24,    Ariana Cassidy 3   
Greyson Fortner 18,    Lisa Jasper 6,     Douglas Jasper 18
Wang's Martial Arts Drawing Results: 4-23-2005

1st: (Computer) Rick Strickland
2nd: (DVD player) Andrea Barela
3rd: (Kathy Long poster) Jackie Castelo
4th: (uniform) Jacob Darst
5th: (Kicking target) Jackie Castelo
6th: (Wooden Sabre) Nora McCollum
7th: (Chinese picture scroll) Victor Makris
8th: (Chinese bag) Rick Strickland
9th: (Head Guard) Andrea Barela
10th: (T-shirt) Amy Boehm
Humble Rotary Club Spaghetti Dinner Drawing Results from 4-29-2005:

Car Winner: Gerald Ashmore, sold by: Wayne Robbins
Runner Up: Mike Woest (Rotarian)- $500 Gift Certificate
450th ticket: Bernice O'Kelly, sold by: Debbie Mcdonald- $250 Gift certificate
400th ticket: Kevin O'Brien (Rotarian)- $250 Gift Certificate
350th ticket: J. Kelley, sold by: Syble Missildine- $250 Gift Certificate
300th ticket: P. Gould, sold by Bob Cassidy-$250 Gift Certificate
250th ticket: Carl Joiner (Rotarian)- $250 Gift Certificate
200th ticket: Mark Haynes, sold by Master Wang- $250 Gift Certificate
150th ticket: Cindy Gilliam, sold by: Syble Missildine- $250 Gift Certificate
100th ticket: Michael Barsi, sold by: Milan Saunders- $250 Gift Certificate
50th ticket: Suzanne Croft, sold by: Syble Missildine- $250 Gift Certificate
1st ticket: Italiano Restaurant, sold by: Tom Shipp- Digital Camera
Friday, April 29, 2005 marked the 39th annual Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser at the Humble Civic Center. 30 Wang's Martial Arts students attended the event to perform in the demonstration and/or the wonderful fashion show. After a few hectic moments of deciding where we were actually going to perform, students put on an awesome production to an appreciative crowd. Thank you to all who participated.
Adam Arce group picture   Chinese Fashion Show picture   Jim McCary group picture   Kung Fu Student group picture
Humble ISD community affair, Chinese Fashon Show, HumbleRotary, Kung Fu Demonstration